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Creates a list of package citations that can be turned into a character string or data frame. This function should normally only be used in an R Markdown or Quarto document, in which case pkrt_list() automatically references the cited packages in the first (by default) .bib file specified in the YAML header if no references of the packages already exist.





Character vectors, separated by commas, of packages to cite.


A list of package citations with S3 class pkrt_list.


This function automatically discards duplicate and base packages. You can use pkrt_list() in combination with renv::dependencies() to cite all the packages used in a project or directory.


# Create a list of citations
citations <- pkrt_list("pakret", "readr", "withr")

# You can then turn the citations into a character string
paste(citations, collapse = ", ")
#> [1] "'pakret' v. 0.1.0 [@pakret], 'readr' v. 2.1.5 [@readr], 'withr' v. 3.0.1 [@withr]"

# Or a data frame
#>   Package Version Reference
#> 1  pakret   0.1.0   @pakret
#> 2   readr   2.1.5    @readr
#> 3   withr   3.0.1    @withr