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Selection helpers to use in conjonction with status setter methods (i.e. methods that assign a status to authors with either TRUE or FALSE):

  • everyone() select all authors.

  • everyone_but() [Deprecated] this function was deprecated as I believe it is not necessary since not more than a couple of authors should normally be given a particular status.






One or more unquoted expressions separated by commas. Expressions matching values in the column defined by the by/.by parameters of set_*() methods are used to set a given status to authors. Matching of values is case-insensitive.


aut <- Plume$new(encyclopedists)

aut$get_plume() |> dplyr::select(1:3, corresponding)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>      id given_name     family_name        corresponding
#>   <int> <chr>          <chr>              <lgl>        
#> 1     1 Denis          Diderot            TRUE         
#> 2     2 Jean-Jacques   Rousseau           TRUE         
#> 3     3 François-Marie Arouet             TRUE         
#> 4     4 Jean           Le Rond d'Alembert TRUE