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This helper function allows you to generate an empty tibble that you can use as a template to supply author data.


plm_template(minimal = TRUE, role_cols = credit_roles(), credit_roles = FALSE)



If TRUE, returns an empty tibble with the following columns: given_name, family_name, email, orcid, affiliation and note. Otherwise the function returns a template with all columns that can be supplied to plume classes that are not PlumeQuarto-specific.


A vector of names defining role columns to create. If the vector contains key-value pairs, columns will be named after the keys.



It is now recommended to use role_cols = credit_roles() to use the Contributor Roles Taxonomy.


An empty tibble.


#> # A tibble: 0 × 21
#> # ℹ 21 variables: given_name <chr>, family_name <chr>, orcid <chr>,
#> #   email <chr>, affiliation_1 <chr>, affiliation_2 <chr>, note <chr>,
#> #   conceptualization <dbl>, data_curation <dbl>, analysis <dbl>,
#> #   funding <dbl>, investigation <dbl>, methodology <dbl>,
#> #   administration <dbl>, resources <dbl>, software <dbl>, supervision <dbl>,
#> #   validation <dbl>, visualization <dbl>, writing <dbl>, editing <dbl>

plm_template(role_cols = paste0("role_", 1:5))
#> # A tibble: 0 × 12
#> # ℹ 12 variables: given_name <chr>, family_name <chr>, orcid <chr>,
#> #   email <chr>, affiliation_1 <chr>, affiliation_2 <chr>, note <chr>,
#> #   role_1 <dbl>, role_2 <dbl>, role_3 <dbl>, role_4 <dbl>, role_5 <dbl>